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This recipe is taken from my most recently published cookbook “Un Mundo de Comida con Los Ingredientes del Ecuador.”

Most Latin households have a special way rice MUST BE COOKED.  This “recipe” is really more an indication to do what you already do with your rice but do it both with quinoa and with rice.  That way the nutritional quality of the rice improves drastically – more protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.  It is amazing that the two grains cook in the same amount of time. Thus you can rinse them together and cook them together in the same pot or rice cooker.  Then you do what you most like to do with your rice.  Add sautéed vegetables, garlic, onion, herbs, grated carrots, whatever you like.  You´ll love it!!

1/2 cup quinoa
1 cup rice

Over time you can increase the proportion of quinoa to rice -- that way you will continue to improve the value of the rice.  

Provides:a-Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidantsb-Fiberc-Proteind-Low in fatf-Local/native ingredients

a-Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
d-Low in fat
f-Local/native ingredients